Friday, June 26, 2009

The King of Pop takes his final bow on the stage of life…

Most of us in this part of the world awoke to the shocking news of the untimely demise of one of the world’s most famous men – Michael Jackson. Though not a real music buff, the headlines reporting MJ’s death did not leave me unaffected.

I fondly recall how in school we use to try to emulate his complicated dance techniques – the most fascinating one being the moonwalk. His highly stylized music videos such as Black or White were the highlights of watching MTV in the 90s. The hugely popular number written by him, ‘We are the World’, is still an all time favorite.

Majority of my growing up years were spent discussing the colorful persona of MJ and the latest scoops. I remember having long serious deliberations with friends and family on his cancelled tour to India - his plastic surgery, the bleached skin - the reason behind it – an attempt to hide his African-American origins or the self-confessed condition of vitiligo, his family history, his childhood years, his marriage to Elvis Presley’s daughter and ofcourse the much talked about accusations of pedophilia slammed at him from multiple quarters.

The loss of this icon to the world of music is undeniable. His distinctive musical sound has, over these glorious five decades, positively influenced so many genres of music including hip hop, pop, R&B and soul music. He remains the greatest entertainer of all times and I am sure millions of fans worldwide echo my sentiments of disbelief and denial at the exit of this star who was raring to make a comeback that was destined not to happen.

May his soul rest in peace.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sizzling hot and more…

What can be worse than 44 degree Celsius blistering heat that slaps your face 24 hours a day?
A viral attack.

Sweltering temperature outside, frequent power cuts and a bout of viral fever with sore throat and cough – does that sound like the perfect vacation? Well, I just had one :(.

Weather, health and the electricity board - all conspired to play spoilsport during my brief sojourn home – the meticulously planned get-togethers with friends and family were jeopardized, the much awaited shopping trips were truncated, and the staple summer indulgence of ice creams and golas (crushed ice) and colas was forbidden.

On the brighter side, I did get to spend “quality” time with my folks – imagine locked indoors all the time for 7 days ;). Mom baked some awesome cakes – her proprietary date and walnut cake remains unparalleled. I also managed to steal a few short trips to GK–N Block, Noida-Sec 18, Khan Market and Shipra Mall and was able to clinch quite a few good deals – God was very benevolent and went out of His way to reward me considering the fact that I was out shopping with a temperature of 101 degree Celsius.

But, seriously, I have come to the conclusion that I hate summers – I cannot take the god damn sun shining down, dissipating its heat as if there was no tomorrow – searing your skin, damaging your hair, smoldering your eyes.
Everything’s better in winters – falling sick too!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Anne Hathaway - "Quelli che... il calcio" Episode #16.23

Anne Hathaway jewelry show oscars 07 specials peopleAnne Hathaway appeared in "Quelli che... il calcio" Episode #16.23 (2009)as Emma (archive footage). Director:Paolo Beldì, Writers:Furio Andreotti (writer), DJ Angelo (writer).

Cast (Episode Credited cast)
Simona Ventura... Herself - Host
Massimo Caputi... Himself
Marco Mazzocchi... Himself
Massimiliano Giusti... Himself - Various
Lucia Ocone... Various
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
DJ Angelo... Various
Arisa... Herself - Performer
Massimo Bagnato... Himself
Giuseppe Baldasseroni... Himself - Dancer
Marco Berry... Himself
Aldo Biscardi... Himself
Antonio Cabrini... Himself
Carlo Capponi... Himself
Paolo Casiraghi... Himself
Marco Castoldi... Himself
Martina Chiriaco... Herself - Dancer
Eleonora De Vivo... Herself
Imma De Vivo... Herself
Manuel Ferruggia... Himself - Dancer
Catena Fiorello ... Herself
Fabrizio Fontana... Himself
Rita Forte... Herself
Carola Gatti... Herself - Dancer
Andrea Gioacchini... Himself - Performer
Anne Hathaway... Emma (archive footage)
Kate Hudson... Herself
Kerly... Herself - Performer
Carolina Kostner... Herself
Jihanl Louhkiar... Herself
Mara Maionchi... Herself
Eva Mendes... Herself
Andrea Pucci... Himself
Francesca Reggiani... Herself
Luciano Rispoli... Himself
Gigi Rock... Himself
Sasà Salvaggio... Himself
Nicola Savino... Himself - Various
Alex Schwazer... Himself
Viola Senatore... Herself - Dancer
Carla Signoris... Herself
Silvia Trotolo... Herself - Dancer
Costantino Vitagliano... Himself
Iva Zanicchi... Herself - Performer

"Quelli che... il calcio" Episode #16.23 story is 26° Day of Italian Soccer Championship (2008-2009).

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Anne Hathaway - "E! True Hollywood Story" Heath Ledger (2008)

Anne Hathawaybeauty oscars 08 specials peopleAnne Hathaway appeared in "E! True Hollywood Story" Heath Ledger (2008), Original Air Date: 11 July 2008, TV Series: "E! True Hollywood Story" (1996).

Heaven's Gain is Our Loss!, 8/10It seems like only yesterday that Heath Ledger left us. His death was sudden and unexpected. As somebody once said, when it's your time it's your time to go. With the death of Heath Ledger by an accident of over-medication, Heath is finally getting the rest that he desperately was seeking for in heaven than on earth. This one hour is a loving tribute with cast members like mini-me's Verne Troyer showing genuine tears as he talked about his friend, Heath. In fact, nobody says anything negative about Heath's life except that he was taken too soon. There are some moments like the sex scenes between him and Jake Gyllenhall in Brokeback Mountain that could have been left on the cutting room floor. Other than that in a short hour, Heath is fondly remembered by co-stars, friends, and colleagues as a warm-hearted wonderful human being. In fact, I wish that there were more men like Heath around. Nobody has forgotten the daughter that he left behind too.

Episode Cast
Beng Spies ... Narrator

Heath Ledger ... Himself (archive footage)
Mark Naglazas ... Himself

Annie Murtagh-Monks ... Herself
John Rapsey ... Himself
Melissa Thomas-Dunkley ... Herself
Ann Fay ... Herself

Jefery Levy ... Himself
Shaun Cassidy ... Himself (archive footage)
Rick Rosenthal ... Himself

Chad Hartigan ... Himself

Bryan Brown ... Himself (archive footage)
Gregor Jordan ... Himself
Noreen Hobson ... Herself

Mel Gibson ... Himself (archive footage)

Mark Addy ... Himself (archive footage)

Shannyn Sossamon ... Herself (archive footage)

Naomi Watts ... Herself (archive footage)

Ang Lee ... Himself

Michelle Williams ... Herself (archive footage)

Anne Hathaway ... Herself (archive footage)
Annie Proulx ... Herself

Keith Szarabajka ... Himself

Christian Bale ... Himself (archive footage)
Vincent Fantauzzo ... Himself - artist

Verne Troyer ... Himself
Paul Browne ... Himself - NYC Police Deputy Commissioner
Ray Kelly ... Himself

Drew Pinsky ... Himself
Kim Ledger ... Himself / Heath's Father

Vincent Fauntauzzo ... Himself

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Racial Bias – A constructed narrative or an ugly reality?

The recent attacks on Indian students in Australia have refocused attention of world media and politics to the complex issue of shrinking geographic boundaries and coerced intermingling of cultures and ‘races’.

We are still debating whether the attacks in the Land of the Kangaroos are racial in nature or not. Yes, most seem more opportunistic than planned combat against an entire people, but the obvious racial overtones cannot be undermined. Having said that, we also need to factor in that what we see is through the eyes of media, that is not always unbiased. The pattern in which facts are strung together make a story. Indians were attacked – Indian students who were soft targets were attacked. Indian corporate honchos and business tycoons were not.

These so called racial attacks actually pose a much larger problem for the Australian government than mere intolerance for our gold ol’ desis – it is a problem of accelerated crime rate that needs to be checked sooner than later for its own good.

Here, I wish to zoom out from the pressing current to a more panoramic view that cuts across history and continents. Before I get lost in the maze of my warped mind, trying to write as fast as I think and change opinions (:)), just one clarification – whatever I write is within the basic premise that I abhor any kind of bias – be it on the basis of race, color, origin or gender and I strongly feel that such behavior should be dealt with in the firmest manner possible with the most stringent of punishments given to ensure nobody ever dares to repeat the act.

History is replete with narratives of hatred within people – Let’s face it, we, human beings, homo homo sapiens, are a biased lot with umpteen prejudices. Caste, creed, religion, country, economic background – we are a divided people. There cannot be a more ironic phrase than Unity in Diversity. We are constantly in the Us versus Other comparison mode.
The Other is the Australian aboriginal whose existence was systematically wiped out from his motherland, the Other is the Red Indian who was pushed to the periphery of his own American continent, the Other is the Jew who got caught in the Nazi era, the Other is the African who was forced to subservience thanks to the theory of the white man’s burden.

To observe how racial stereotyping works in a fanatical society, we needn’t go very far. India, the singular form is so deceptive, the many Indias, we inhabit is a glaring example of a xenophobic social order.
We cry hoarse when frustrated mobs in Australia beat up our students, when overwhelmed with the financial downturn in Europe, the government sends permanent residents packing back home and when a distraught American economy explores ways to cut down on Indian immigrants.
But, we forget that in our own country when we fight over the superiority of the Aryans over the Dravidians, when we label the north eastern student in our University campus in Delhi a ‘chinky’, when we beat up a dalit for drinking water from the landlord’s well, when we equate Islam with terrorism, and in our post colonial obsession with ‘all that is white is right’, post ads for a gori (fair) girl in the matrimonial sections of the newspaper, we are being racist. This kind of racial slur is even more dangerous because it goes unnoticed most of the times.

I have always wondered what could be the reason for such extreme abhorrence between two people who have never known each other. Before I get into that, I want to answer the question I set out with. Is racial bias a constructed narrative or an ugly reality? Racial bias IS an ugly reality. There cannot be a second opinion to that. However, it is a much larger issue than media folk-lore. Media constructs narratives that sell to its advantage. That paradigm limits our understanding of issues of race and culture in the context of rapid globalization and the resulting mélange.

So what makes an ordinary person like you and me detest another human being who we have never met.
  • The Economics of it – With economies world over crashing and the dismal scene at the job market, it irks me if I, being a native citizen of the country, am sacked while an immigrant with the same skill set and half the age of my total experience is hired for the much talked about “cost advantage’. Yes, I am talking about “outsourcing”. I forget that the decision has not been made by the actual guy who has taken over my position but both of us are victims of the larger game, involving disgusting amount of money, played by citizens of my own country. Someone in my country is making a lot of by having a worker from a different country work here or back home at almost half the wages if not lower. It is still ‘yes to Bangalore and no to Buffalo’. And thus, I make a Frankenstein of this guy who is the epicenter of all my anger.
  • Cultural Differences – And I don’t just mean Cricket vs. Football, Brad Pit vs. SRK. There are subtle differences between different cultures and we need to be sensitive to these. People argue that there is a conflict between asserting your individual identity vs. becoming one of them. Well, to me it is a choice between ghettoization and cultural integration. There are positives in each culture and if you have had the opportunity of closely interacting with another ethnicity, I see no harm is assimilating the best of both the worlds.
  • Stereotyping – Just because your Indian neighbor creates a ruckus every night post 9 PM, every Indian is not like that. Similarly, if the lady at Walmart cannot calculate the change you must get for the 100 dollar bill you paid for groceries worth $87 without using a calculator, not all Americans suck at math!
  • Inherent Superiority and Inferiority complexes – All that is white is not always right. Like my gender does not make me a good or a bad driver, my color should not be a basis for my acceptability in any society.
  • Black sheep on both sides – And finally, there are the occasional buggers in all cultures, races, countries. You need to take in your stride the desis who embarrass you by blaring the dard-e-disco number on their car stereo at the crossing and shouting loudly at each other in their native tongue in the elevators, just like you need to ignore the firang who knits his brows together at the mere sight of you.

To conclude on a lighter note, here's one of my favorite quotes that aptly summarizes my stance:

“A group of white South Africans recently killed a black lawyer because he was black. That was wrong. They should have killed him because he was a lawyer.”
- A. Whitney Brown

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Anne Hathaway - Valentine's Day (2011)

Anne Hathaway skin poll gallery style channel peopleAnne Hathaway appeared in Valentine's Day (2011). Director: Garry Marshall; Writers: Katherine Fugate (writer), Abby Kohn (screenplay).

Valentine's Day (2011) tell about... Intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and make-up based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine's Day


Bradley Cooper

Jessica Biel

Anne Hathaway

Jessica Alba

Julia Roberts

Ashton Kutcher

Jennifer Garner

Shirley MacLaine

My Ping in