Monday, August 30, 2010

Sweet September;;;;;

The most awaited moment have been come now. As we all are writing and preparing our thesis and the deadlines are approaching closer that is 15th of September 2010. Earlier I was thinking that these days will never end up, but I was wrong. Everything has its own ending. Am I feeling any stress on completing the M.Pharm in Meerut? Ofcourse not;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I have studied some where that "Don't worry about that which you can not change; and which you can not change, you need not to worry". These lines have filled me a lot of satisfaction as I am worrying a lot about my future. One more line, I want to tell you from which I was so much impressed and I am thinking that I have acquired some sort of decision making ability is about the mistakes. The line is "Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later collection of mistakes is called as experience, which leads to success." I can't tell you how much I was impressed with this line. Really these lines are having wonderful effects.
I am living here in Meerut with my colleague. He often compare himself along with all the students with the BHU students. I don't know what kind of fun he is getting in comparing between them and us. But whenever he compare I become so much irritated. At that time I found satisfaction upon remembering these lines "don't compare yourself with anybody else; if you compare you are insulting yourself."
These all things I have got from a Power point presentation, I am pasting here the link of that presentation.......

Hilary Duff wallpapers HD

Hilary Duff wallpapers HD

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Emotional Atyachaar

(Glossary: Atyachar is hindi for “harassment”)

I have been following Emotional Atyachar (on UTV Bindass) off and on, for quite some time now…
For the uninitiated this is yet another reality show where real-life couples take the help of the crew members of the serial to do a loyalty test on their partners.

Frankly speaking, almost all couples featured are insecure, desperate to get on TV and ultra dramatic. Nevertheless, the loyal viewership that the program boasts of is quite understandable. One, the whole detective angle leading to the climax is outrageously hilarious and two, you are like – thank god I am not stuck with this crazy guy/girl.

A relationship, in which either of the partners feels the need for a fidelity test, is already doomed irrespective of the outcome of the test.

You trust your partner or you don’t – how will your partner’s reaction to a planted bait salvage your already faithless bond?

On TV or offline, I would never do a loyalty check on my partner – Would you?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Slogan T’s!!!

Now, let me start with a disclaimer - am not much of a fashion whiz and so am hardly ever consciously aware of the latest trends or the outdated fads.
However, I have always had a huge soft corner for smart short T shirts with witty one liners!

While I mostly shy away from wearing something that screams too outrageously wild, here are a few of my all time favorites (I have not necessarily owned all of these) from school and college days:
  • Coffee, Chocolate, Men - Some things are best rich!!!
  • If I don’t find true love, I will settle for a lot of money!
  • I was born this way, what’s your excuse?

When I started working, the T’s in my wardrobe reduced – so forget slogans on T’s! For some strange reason, very recently, I have begun to revive my fetish for these.
Tantra and People Tree are some places in India that I have checked out and find to be quite good!

Here are the few that I now own:

(Before you ask, yes, I wore this one to work already :D)

I hate to say this but there is a much more varied range when it comes to the men’s sizes!

My hubby wears awesome screen printed Ts picked up mostly at rock concerts or Hard Rock Cafés he frequents – Not really slogan T's – but nice!

My bro is also very particular about the kind of Ts he wears – and sometimes I have to really convince him to wear slogan Ts – And come to think of it, half the world proclaims women are finicky about their clothes!!!

Here are a few classics from my bro’s wardrobe:
  • This T shirt turns green in the company of morons (It’s obviously a green T :))
  • Beer is cheaper than fuel. Drink, Don't Drive.
  • You don’t have to be crazy to work here, They'll train you. (He begins his first job soon and I wonder if he will get to wear it to work!)

What are u fav slogans for T’s?
And let me know where you shop for them!

Hilary Duff fashion new

Hilary Duff fashion new

Happy Rakshabandhan

Happy Rakshabandhan to all my brothers;;;;;;;;;;
My Ping in