yuvikachaube.blogspot.com no longer shows up in the list of most visited sites on my Google Chrome home page. Well to be honest nothing else shows up as well, except google.com, maybe.
Boy, it has been long!
But, guess what – I think I am back!
“I glanced at her and took my glasses
off--they were still singing. They buzzed
like a locust on the coffee table and then
ceased. Her voice belled forth, and the
sunlight bent. I felt the ceiling arch, and
knew that nails up there took a new grip
on whatever they touched. "I am your own
way of looking at things," she said. "When
you allow me to live with you, every
glance at the world around you will be
a sort of salvation." And I took her hand.”
- When I Met My Muse by William Stafford
There has been work, and then there has been more work. There have been moments of absolute disorientation, and then there have been moments of realization and acceptance. There have been days that flowed into each other seamlessly, and then there have been days that just refused to move on…In the organized chaos that life often offers I wonder if one would be better prepared for artless anarchy.
Yes, I have lots to talk about – and in the coming days will spam all the channels you have been kind enough to follow My Musings on! Also, a heartfelt thanks to all the loyal readers who kept checking on me and spared time to drop in a comment or two. If it’s fabulous to be read, it’s a greater high to be missed :)!
After all,
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
~Ray Bradbury

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