Sunday, July 10, 2011

Delhi Belly: Shit (and a whole load of it) Happens

From the initial rushes of it, Delhi Belly didn't look like my kinda movie (It still doesn't qualify as one :D). Too boorish, hard hitting, loud and need I say very uncouth.
However, the 'I am screaming to be heard and seen' attitude in the promos and the songs did the trick. The marketing of the movie as a path breaking genre in Indian cinema that today's youth could identify with and then the endless controversies on the use of expletives - made me sit up and take notice. You cannot ignore DK Bose doing the rounds on all music channels - news channels included too!

And off I went with a friend to a Sunday morning (9:50 AM) show of Delhi Belly - the most abusive start a morning can ever get. So what's the verdict? Well my initial opinion remains unchanged - too boorish, hard hitting, loud and need I say very uncouth.

So I regretted going? NO.

Inspite of all the muck and the fuck that I genuinely don't appreciate on screen - I mean there is an extent to which you can throw shit (quite literally) at the audience, and I sincerely believe that punctuating every word with all the known and unknown abuses in Hindi and English (Tamil was also used :)) may not necessarily be required in order to connect with the so called "today's youth" - YET, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

Both of us were in splits - laughing are guts out even as every few minutes we would look at each other and shake our heads disapprovingly of the irreverently burlesque happenings on screen! And to be really honest that's all there is to the movie - 1.5 hours of constant LOL and ROFL and LMAO moments that make this almost slapstick comedy genuinely hilarious!

The plot is racy and the 90 minutes are well packaged - a complete paisa vasool for all the RBCs one would generate with such hearty laughs. The screenplay is flawless in execution and the actors have scored a perfect 10 with their comic timing and dialog delivery. The song tracks bring in great pace and feel to the movie even as you wished you hadn't seen the stinking loo with the rickety flush and the dirty pot holes of old Delhi that are such an eye sore.

Delhi Belly takes realism to a new abstracted level. (I am sorry if the sentence reads oxymoronic, but I know you understand what I mean ;)). The seemingly obvious, very probable, expected and logical situations are hurled around with a perspective that brings out so much filth, and surprisingly, so much humor - that much as I would have wanted to dismiss the movie as a crash course on swearing and shitting, I sit here highly amused recalling the scenes...

(...And in brackets, yes it's going to take a while till I rebuild an appetite for orange juice, and of course, street food.)

[Image source: Google images]

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